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Samford University -- Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Experimental Genetics -- Biol 334

Eye Pigments of Drosophila melanogaster

Today we will observe eye pigment of various strains of Drosophila melanogaster using the technique called paper chromatography. Obtain two anesthetized fruit flies each of these strains: wild type, rosy, white. Mark a faint pencil line exactly 1.5 cm from the bottom of the paper. Make a three crosshair marks evenly distributed along the line. Using a clean glass rod, crush the head of a wild type female fly exactly on the crosshairs on the left on the line at the bottom of the chromatography paper. Let it dry for a couple of minutes then repeat the process with  another wild type female fly being sure the head is crushed in exactly the same spot. Clean and dry the glass rod and repeat the process on the next crosshair mark using two female rosy flies, and the two white-eyed female flies.

When dry, fold the paper slightly so that it will stand up. Under the fume hood, place the paper in about 1 cm of solvent (1:1 isopropanol : ammonium hydroxide), cover, and let it stand for about 1 hr.

Remove the paper from the solvent and let it dry under the hood. Observe and photography under UV light. What can you conclude about the pigments present in these three strains?