About the labs

The mission of the Academic Computing Labs is to nurture the students of Samford University by providing the laboratory environments and technological resources necessary not only to complete assignments but also to cultivate an understanding of and a confidence with the resources available. This mission also includes assisting the faculty as they rely on the laboratories to meet their curricular goals.

To fulfill this mission Samford University provides seven general access computer labs overseen by the Academic Computing Labs for the academic computing needs of the general student body. Many of the labs also function as classrooms when faculty needs access to computers for class instruction. Over 300 computers offer word processing, access to the internet and many applications specific to the various academic programs.

The Academic Computing Labs are staffed by Ernie Gates, Computer Labs Manager, and Brandon Ayon, Night Supervisor. More than 20 student workers are employed as lab assistants during the Spring and Fall semesters to assist lab patrons, keep labs stocked with supplies, and help maintain lab equipment.

If you have any questions or comments about the labs or would like to report a problem with a computer or software in one of the labs we'd like to hear from you. Please fill out and submit our online comment form.