Samford Online Directory

Samford Directory Information/FAQ

Information for all users of the directory

Information for members of the Samford community

Where does the directory get its information?

The Samford directory is derived directly from information located in the Banner administrative system and thus is the information officially on record for each individual. Directory updates from Banner are performed once each day. Photos are derived directly from the campus ID system, and are updated real time.

Who is included in the directory?

The directory contains all current employees and students.

What information is available in the directory?

The following table details the items that are available in the directory. "Public" information is displayed in response to all search requests. "Samford" information is displayed only to members of the Samford community who have logged in prior to performing a search. No information will be displayed for any student who has opted to remove his/her name from the directory (unless that person is also a non-student employee of Samford).

 Employee ListingsStudent Listings
 Role ('Employee' and/or 'Student')
 Job Title
 Office Location
 Office Telephone
 Fax Number
 E-mail Address
 SU Box Number
 Residence Hall Address
 Residence Hall Telephone
 Local Address
 Local Telephone
 Home Address
 Home Telephone
Legend:  Item will display
Item will display if the individual has allowed it to be displayed
Item will not be displayed
Item is not applicable to the individual's role

Are there any restrictions on the use of directory information?

This directory is provided solely to aid in communicating to members of the Samford community. The directory is not to be used to harvest information for mailing lists or other activities which would be considered a violation of the privacy rights of the individuals listed in the directory.

What if I can't login?

Members of the Samford community can login using their Samford issued user name and password. If you are having difficulty logging in, contact the Service Desk at 726-2662 for assistance.

How do I change my directory information?

Information in the directory can be categorized as institutional or personal. Institutional information includes items such as office location for employees or residence hall assignment for students. Institutional information can only be changed by the office responsible for the information. Personal information, such as home address, is under individual control and can be modified from the appropriate self-service web pages accessed through the Samford Portal.

How do I hide directory information?

Each individual has the right to manage which personal items are available for viewing in the directory except that certain institutional information for employees is always available. Display options can be managed from the appropriate self-service web pages accessed through the Samford Portal.

What has Samford designated as "directory" information under FERPA?

Under the guidelines established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Samford has designated the following as directory information: student name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, enrollment status, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, honors, degrees and awards received, most recent previous school attended, and photograph. This information can be included in the directory without the explicit consent of the student. Students may opt to hide information from the directory as described previously.

Technology Services
Samford University