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Samford University -- Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
International Studies

Elementary My Dear Watson (and Crick): A British History of Biology and Medicine and How It Was Communicated
Biol 205 (Biology in Great Britain)  Spring 2014  Daniel House, London

Assignment 1: The Circulation of the Blood -- William Harvey

Watch this video describing the circulation of blood through the heart and blood vessels. Especially pay attention to the first 5 minutes or so:

Take a look at the book (link below) written by William Harvey, who first described the circulatory system as "circulatory." Skip the first part and pay attention to only chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This is rather difficult to follow, so scan all 5 chapters, then zero in on one chapter. Write a simple, one paragraph summary of what Harvey said in just one of those 5 chapters. You can email this to me before class on February 11 or hand it directly to me at the beginning of class. We'll divide up the chapters this way:

Last Name begins with: B - C -- chapter 2
Last Name begins with: F - H -- chapter 3
Last Name begins with: L - M -- chapter 4
Last Name begins with: P - R -- chapter 5
Last Name begins with: S - Z -- chapter 6


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