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Samford University -- Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
International Studies
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Elementary My Dear Watson (and Crick): A British History of Biology and Medicine
Biol 205 (Biology in Great Britain)  Spring 2014  Daniel House, London
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  • Trip to the Jenner House and Museum
    • This Saturday, April 19
      • Meet in the parlor to receive your tickets at 7:40 AM.
      • Depart DH, walk to Gloucester Road tube stop.
      • Catch Circle Line WESTBOUND 4 stops to Paddington (leaves every 10 min).
      • Walk to Paddington rail station for 8:33 AM departure.
    • We will be changing trains at Bristol Parkway (10:52 AM departure), then alighting at Cam and Dursley (11:14 AM) and meeting a minibus to take us to the Jenner House (about 20 min).
    • For our return we will catch the minibus at the Jenner House (time to be determined) which will take us to Cam and Dursley for a 4:56 PM departure. We then transfer at Bristol Temple Meads (6:00 PM departure), arriving at Paddington at 7:47 PM, so you should be back at DH by about 8:15 PM.
  • Don't forget about your major paper, due 4/29/2014. Ideas for your report:
    • Anyone or any theme on the chronology list that relates to British biology or medicine: History of Biology & Medicine Timeline, including the ones we didn't cover, like John Gurdon, Dollie the sheep, ...
      • Florence Nightingale: How much of the legend is true?
        • The making of one of the Florence Nightingale movies (maybe for theatre folks?)
      • Rosalind Franklin: What did she contribute to the Double Helix? Should she have received more credit?
      • Maurice Wilkins (same questions as above)
      • What did Francis Crick do after the Double Helix?
    • Health and the history of sanitary sewers in London (see Bazelgette)
    • The history of cholera in London
    • John Hunter
    • Mary Seacole (pioneer nurse at same time as Florence Nightingale)
    • The development of the theory of evolution
      • Social, religious implications
      • What Darwin got right/wrong
  • Jo sent me this very interesting link to another person (Mary Seacole) whose career paralleled Florence Nightingale's. Very interesting. Also a great idea for a final paper topic.
  • Tuesday, April 1, is our visit to the Florence Nightingale museum. We will leave Daniel House at 9:20 AM. Tube stop is Westminster (Circle or District Line), followed by a short walk over the bridge.
    • The Florence Nightingale Museum, Gassiot House, 2 Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7EW. Remember your assignment (to be turned in next week).
  • I've added a few scientist-related photos.
  • See change in syllabus and assignment: Read over the Flemming paper for this Tuesday. Do not worry about the details of his procedure, but I think you can get a pretty good idea of what he did with a simple reading of the article. We will discuss what he did in class.
  • Since we are leaving for Cambridge at 7:45 AM Tuesday morning, please turn in your assignment for next week either as an email attachment or a hard copy handed to me or slipped under my door before 7:30 Tuesday morning. (The report is on a the virtual tour of the King's College DNA discovery site.)
  • Next week is our Cambridge tour. See details on assignment page.
  • Your assignment for next week is a movie review of The Double Helix.
  • I clarified your two assignments for next week on the Assignments page. Also, let me know immediately if you are not going on the Jenner Trip on Saturday, April 19, or if you or not returning to London with the group.
  • Since we are going to the The Royal College of Surgeons of England this coming Tuesday, February 18, please postpone the earlier assignment I gave you regarding vaccination (variolation and Jenner's work). That assignment will be due the next week. Instead, please read over this article by Joseph Lister describing how he used Pasteur's ideas about tiny organisms (bacteria) and came up with a way of disinfecting wounds that saved lives and limbs. (You can also see the updated Assignments page.)
  • The syllabus has been updated to include some of the trips below.
  • Things are coming together for the two long trips:
      • Tuesday, March 11 we will be going to Cambridge.
      • Saturday, April 19 we will be going to the Jenner Museum.
    • I am finalizing the details now, so let me know IMMEDIATELY if you are not going. (March 11 is a require part of the course. April 19 in not required but strongly recommended.) The way it stands now, it looks like you can take a trip elsewhere after we finish the Jenner tour the afternoon of April 19 and come back on your own. I will simply not book your return train reservation and give you about 14 pounds for you to use (this is the good price I got for a one-way train ticket to near Jenner's place). However, I need to know if you are NOT returning to London on Saturday night, April 19.
    • So, please let me know ASAP if you are NOT going to the Jenner Museum. Also, let me know immediately if you are NOT returning to London with the group in Saturday night, April 19. I will assume everyone is going to Cambridge on March 11 unless I hear otherwise.
    • We also have a field trip (no expense to you) planned for February 18 (a week from this coming Tuesday) to The Royal College of Surgeons of England. We will get a tour and talk by a top British physician. We will meet in the classroom as usual at 9:00 AM.
    • AND (this was not in the email I sent you) we will be going on a tour and hearing a talk at the Florence Nightingale museum on Tuesday, March 25 during class (although I do not have final confirmation on this date yet).
  • I spoke with your British Heritage and Culture professor and he is not holding class on Tuesday, March 11. How is that for our all-day Cambridge trip? Unless I hear otherwise, we will schedule it for that day. Details will follow, but we will probably leave early and be back to Daniel House by 5:30 PM. Let me know if there are any problems with that date.I updated the Assignments/Class Activities info for February 4.
  • Check this page often for updates.
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